North To Oriental 6-23/6-28
My only contribution to this post is:
I was a wee/little/lot bit freaked out by this storm :-) I dealt with my stress by taking as many pictures and videos as I could before we got hammered with rain. After that I laid with Valin and Drake in the aft cabin convincing them (me) that we have lots of thunderstorms in Alaska and that being in the boat is not different than being at sea. I knew in my heart that Free Spirit and her crew were capable of 10 times worse, but it was still a little freaky!
Calms on the open ocean are eerie to behold, with such potential for powerful motion held in reserve. It makes this sailor nervous, waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Along the way, we saw this box floating and decided to investigate. At the time, it felt to me like the beginning of a bad horror movie... but it turned out to be a live well or some kind of tank, lost off of another boat.
On our offshore trips we frequently hear mayday calls from other vessels, but so far we have been too far away to be of any help. The problems vary from one to another, but seem to have a common thread of recklessness, ill preparation, or other pitfalls of good seamanship. They usually end happily, but serve as a good reminder that the sea does not suffer fools gladly. It does make me wonder how that box was broken loose from its mounting, of what drama might have accompanied its separation, of what mistakes were made.
I so would have demanded an exit strategy. As wonderfully exciting your adventures seem, and no matter how I would love to see the sights, there is no way my nerves would have lasted through that one. I'm sure there wasn't enough beer in the fridge! :) Glad you were safe! (I've missed your posting...can't wait to read more).
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