We had been promising the boys a trip to Universal Studios as a reward for when the boat was launched. We waited for Nana to come in March, and we finally made true to that promise. Here are all the boys in front of a very unique plywood painted structure.

Blayde getting coached to be part of a 'real movie'. He had to jump off the stage, and then it was added into a 3 minute movie trailer that showed him jumping off of a mountain!

Shep, just taking a moment to sit and relax in one of the chairs from the set of Van Helsing.

This was the stage for the special effects show. It was one of the funnest parts of our 2 days spent between Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure.

Here, a member of the audience shows us how easy it is to get your arm gashed open with a fake knife and a bladder of blood stored in the sleeve of the host. She ended up being quite freaked out by the whole thing!

My dearest Valin refused to humor me and join the other boys in a rare photo op with Shaggy and Scooby. I still feel that it would have been proper payback for all the Scooby Doo episodes I had to endure when they were little :-)

My ABSOLUTE favorite ride. It combines roller coaster, with 3D and 4D effects. We went on it more than any other ride!

If you are ever in need of a Super Hero, this is the place to be!!

Getting ready for our first roller coaster ride of the day. There were a few rides that Drake could not go on, so we tried to go on all the other fun ones, just for him. The first day that we were there, it was REALLY cold (about 50 degrees), and we did not go on any water rides. Even though the next day was a little warmer, we still froze our tushies off after riding them!

This just seemed 'wrong' to me.....

This is an aerial view from the strange little kids ride that went around the top of Dr. Suess land. I think that the kids would have enjoyed this area WAY more if they were younger. But it was very imaginative and colorful!

We figured that this may be the only opportunity for the crew of SV Free Spirit to practice 'saving us all from a killer shark!' :-)

Much to the boys' disappointment, the Simpson's ride was opening the next day. They all thought is was cool to at least get a picture to share with all of you!

~Another beautiful Florida sunset~
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