...Where to start? the salon had to be torn up to get to the engine, generator, and mystery motor. The bilges needed reconditioning, and there were systems to redo. Get out the crowbar!

...Before, with Blayde leading the charge

Removing Screws....

...And cabinetry. This is seen from 20 feet in the air, so it's more than it looks like. Note the full sheet of white plywood.....

Valin pressure washes the bilges, here working on the shaft.

Drake removing fuel tank cover hatch bolts.....

Valin and Blayde pump the water out of the fuel tanks overboard into disposal tanks.

Here are some fuel tank covers before....

...and after!


...and After!! Each part is ground free of rust, sanded, osphoed, and given three coats of Amerlock two part epoxy paint.



Me, shaking my head in wonder over the "Mystery Motor". Mounted to a welded frame, but connected to nothing, this enigmatic engine has been a bit of a head scratcher.

MysteryMotor, on its way out of the salon...

The mounts for the internal combustion enigma, showing the general condition of the bilges. There is also an unused keel cooling tank here for engine cooling. I'm sure I'll find a use for it someday.

The genset (which works fine) being removed. It was in a really bad place, all but preventing engine access on the starboard side. Either this or another genset will eventually take the place of the mystery motor, providing ample access to both sides.

Chaos!! the stuff of refit night terrors.

The shaft, here with the English bearing removed, showing the coupling.

View beneath the raised engine.

The engine, looking good after being cleaned, prepped, and painted. Laura and Kirsten (our friend down visiting from Alaska) grinding in the bilge.

Laura, showing the little hell that is bilge grinding.

...but it is not for naught. Here, the shaft, with English bearing, installed and painted.

Looking for'rd, beneath the engine. You can also see the painted open tanks. Compare this photo with the one two or three up!!

Blayde, peering aft from the front of the salon, working in the bilge.
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