Leaving the dock and new friends in Labelle on our way to the big blue ocean.

Of course, looking back on our departure port we saw the looming squall line quickly approaching, so we set the ship up for rain!

Tamer, motoring ferociously down the river trying to beat the rain. We all ended up getting soaked to the bone!

Approaching our first swing bridge... It was very interesting because the bridge operator had to walk to the midway point of the bridge, and then operate the opening/closure from there. We were also really happy that Terri from Wahini, on her way across the bridge to head home, was stopped by our request to pass. She stood on the shore and waved us through the next bend in the river. What a great surprise!

Me, happily steering through the rain with my bare feet, while Mom prepared a fantastic lunch down below.

Shep, proudly raising the Alaska flag... No pirate flag today folks :-)

I found it utterly amazing that I looked soooooo calm, while Shep and Drake are in the background pretending to maim one another. Being on a boat with all boys eventually numbs you to all of this chaos.

Here we are at the Franklin Lock, tying up for the first time to dolphins. We needed to stay the night here to await the lock opening at 10am the next morning. It was a bit tricky, but each time we have to deal with something new in mild conditions, it makes us that more prepared for doing it in harsh ones. For all these experiences, we are super thankful!

Almost to Fort Myers; and although we had passed the power plant on the highway too many times to remember, the view from the water was way more exciting!

Drake the navigator :-)

This statue is in the river just east of the Fort Myers Yacht Basin. As soon as we passed under the last bridge before there, we had a real porpoise that followed us all the way to the dock. At one point, it looked directly out of the water into my eyes, and I KNEW we were going to have a safe journey.

Nana, sailing peacefully on the back deck.

~An interesting view~

We stopped at the Yacht Basin to get a little fuel, take showers, and do some provisioning. This is just before sunset, headed out to anchor for a couple of nights.

Safely hanging off 2 anchors, at sunset..... Although we are not quite to the Ocean, you can certainly smell the salt from here!
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